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Good morning,

I joined this forum partly because it promised technical help from HP Acadamy experts. It is not clear who these experts are, however, is it meant to be obvious from the post if the user is an HPA expert?

I paid money for this feature, and I don't mean this in an insulting way, but up until now it just looks like any other forum where people offer their opinions.


Henrik Morsing

Henrik, the reality is that there are so many opinions on tuning since there is no international standard for it. Everyone believes in his own experience and knowledge especially if that has been confirmed by some achievement... I've met very educated people with big lack of practice and I've met people who achieved incredible results with wrong knowledge... I've chosen listening to people who have achieved something big and are sharing their information and experience. Luckly there are quite of few of them on this forum...

Yes, sort of. But I was getting really tired of "armchair experts" on other forums spouting nonsense, and having someone who is a professional chime in would be a plus. And it is what the site promises and what I paid for.


Henrik Morsing

Real pros ( people dedicated their lives to it) are very busy and VERY expensive. They get paid big money to deliver and unfortunately for us they are not available for our free education. Shane T for instance. But some people write books, like Grag Banish - you can get very useful information from those...Some of them have YouTube accounts - like David Localio, you can get some gold info there too.

BTW - money back option should be still available

But it's *not* free, that's my point. And regardless, that is what the promise was.


Henrik Morsing

What would you want to see to prove to you that the people replying in this forum are in fact experts? like a badge or something?

There is a few members that are paid by HPA to answer questions on this forum (I'm not one of them), instead of 'gold members' they are 'tutors'

I personally find there's only 1 or 2 members that don't necessarily have good info but post anyway, vs the literally 100's of "experts" I see on any facebook group. Most days I can't even bring myself to reply to anything on those groups with the amount of noise and bad attitudes in them, I find this forum of much more quality.

The problem with expecting "experts" is that everyone that is an "expert" - I am not one, as while there is a lot I'm experienced in, there's much more I'm definitely not, although there is a lot of cross-over, especially on the mechanical side - will have a limited range of experience outside the fields(s) they're experts in. They also tend to be VERY busy, in demand people, so those here are doing so because they try to help other people.

Because learning to be an "expert' is an expensive operation, as it's built on failures, it's not unreasonable to expect a charge to be made - and as not everyone can expect their particular vehicle/engine to be catered for, it is wise to use the "money back" period to look carefully at what is on offer and to assess it against your needs.These folks are almost exclusively working on modern specialist vehicles and that is certainly a level beyond what most of those subscribing need, or want.

From what I recall from your posts, they've been exclusively related to a very old engine, which most here wouldn't have any experience of - I'm probably one of the few that's worked with them, but even then that was more than 30 years ago.

On that last, I'm not sure if the lack of response from others, or my strong recommendations NOT to build the engine with the bores in that condition that is your primary issue - NOTE, I don't recall you mentioning it was a stroker in the initial bore enquiry, as that will increase the "piston slap", but you DID mention the bores weren't just 'oversized' for the nominal piston clearance, but they weren't round or straight - and THAT IS a BIG concern if you want a quiet, reliable, non-oil burning engine that will last a long time - you might be OK, but that's shortening the odds by a significant margin!

TBH, for what you're using the engine for, I'm quite surprised you went for that specific piston material option, I'd have chosen Hyper-Eutectic pistons if they were an option.

Hi Gord,

I am not in any way having a go at anyone and this question was not related to any of my posts.

It's just that I partly joined because it was implied that HPA had experts employed ready to help on the forum, but it appears the forum is just random people's opinion, even if the quality is much better than elsewhere.

Maybe being a paid forum keeps the riff raff out. But I have also answered a couple of questions here and I am far, far from being an expert and I sometimes feels I shouldn't try to "help" when I'm learning myself.


Henrik Morsing

I feel similarly. This forum seems dead. I know not everyone will be hanging out here 24/7, but I think "experts" should at least check every day or two and answer unanswered questions. This forum is full of weeks old unanswered questions. I have a few outstanding. I'm paying for the help.

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