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PDM Installation & Configuration

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Discussion and questions related to the course PDM Installation & Configuration

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Hello everyone!

We are going to use this PDM in a particular project and since it will be the first time we will use this PDM I have some questions about it.

1- There is 4 dual half bridge outputs, I would like to use them for two 044 fuel pumps, one driver blower and one radiator fan so we can have them with variable speed.

I should wire them as follows?

pin 1- 35A Half Bridge Power Output 1 – Radiator Fan Power Ground

pin 2- 35A Half Bridge Power Output 1 – Radiator Fan 12V

pin 11- 35A Half Bridge Output 2 – Driver Fan Power Ground

pin 12- 35A Half Bridge Output 2 – Driver Fan 12V

pin 24- 35A Half Bridge Output 3 – External Fuel Pump 1 Power Ground

pin 25- 35A Half Bridge Output 3 – External Fuel Pump 1 12V

pin 34- 35A Half Bridge Output 4 – External Fuel Pump 2 Power Ground

pin 35- 35A Half Bridge Output 4 – External Fuel Pump 2 12V

This would work out perfectly?

2- To have the wiper work with park function I though on wiring it as follows:

pin 3- 15A Mid Power Output 2 – Wiper Slow

pin 4- 15A Mid Power Output 3 – Wiper Fast

pin 26- Channel Input 1 (Analog/Digital) – Wiper Park

This will work?

Hi Haruki

Unless AiM specify otherwise you shouldn't need to run the negative of the cooling fan back to the PDM.

You would only use both sides of the bridge on one device if you needed to drive a motor in both directions such as a throttle servo.

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