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Bulkhead for Battery Cable

PDM Installation & Configuration

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Discussion and questions related to the course PDM Installation & Configuration

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@09:20 in "Working with large Gauge Cable" of the PDM course, the Battery connector shown in this video is near Impossible to find to purchase.

"Radsock" radlock whatever it's called it's not easily found for purchase.

Check for Surlok, Radlok, on mouser or digikey, this is where I got mine.

Ah, these guys do kits and you may find the video of interest, too - https://mavenspeed.com/collections/b2t-engineering/products/radlok-connector-bulkhead They are also available in in-line and locking versions, and in differenc current ratings, don't know it that company sells them - but maybe worth a 'phone call?

If you're just looking for a pass-through bulkhead connection, or connections, there are plenty of options that use threaded studs on both sides that cables can be bolted to. If you can't find them, just respond and we'll sort you out.

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