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Ignition position ACC, 1 and 2 And ECU hold power

PDM Installation & Configuration

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Discussion and questions related to the course PDM Installation & Configuration

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Hi Team,

I havent had a chance to get registered for this course yet, but its next on my list.

I have a link G4+ Thunder that's going into my 1JZ powered RX8 and I'll be getting a Hardwire PDM28 in the next month or so.

I have a couple of questions regarding PDM setup. It'll be a full road car with every option working as it should.

I have attached a Diagram I made and my connector sheets. (sorry its just MSPaint)

Currently, I have an input on the PDM set to Ign2, and an output set to cut a couple of higher current (blower/demister) relays when the starter is engaged.

I have an Ign1 input that will keep power to all outputs required while starting.

And ACC input to tell the PDM to leave BTN etc on without the engine function outputs.

Does this look correct?? Any suggestions?

I've spent a long time planning this and I don't want to leave anything out.

Another question is the ECU has the option to hold the main relay on to perform shutdown sequence.

The Thunder has a Main relay + and - outputs.

Is this required with the PDM? Or how should this be wired?

If anyone has any suggestions looking at my docs it'd be much appreciated.


Attached Files


I can see you've put a lot of time into this. Spending time on not just planning, but documentation, is always time well spent and will give you not only a better initial result, but make future diagnosis or changes so much easier, so well done.

I'm not clear what some items like BTN are.

I'm also not clear how you plan to control HVAC and demist. Have you removed all controls and you're going to turn the blower and demister on together with a new toggle switch? You mentioned full road car and there's a picture of HVAC controls, in which case I'd generally use the factory control buttons, switches.

ECU Main relay control helps ensure the ECU can complete tasks on shut down such as parking an IAC motor for startup, but if your "Start" input is going to be push button start/stop of the engine using Links start/stop control, then you'll be shutting the engine down without powering the ECU off, in which case ECU power main relay control doesn't seem necessary to me.

Thanks Mike,

BTN is just what Mazda calls the Interior fuse panel covering the radio, cigar, etc. TNS is the tail/park/dash lights.

Many of the outputs on the outputs on the PDM will just be powering the factory modules (wiper, hazard/indicator, windows etc)

pretty much just an expensive fuse box.

The blower and demister will have their own relays and 40A fuses separate to the PDM and be controlled directly from the factory AC amp module. I just couldn't fit them on the same side as the controller in the diagram.

The ABS module will also have its own power feed fuses (30A and 60A) also the fuel pump speed controller (40A)

I still plan to use the key for starting but will be one touch start like an old Mercedes.

I don't have an IACV as I'm using the RX8 throttle body, and I cant really think of anything else that needs to be parked

Without getting into full detail checking the whole project and every circuit, what I've seen and what you're saying all sounds good to me.

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