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Lin Bus actuator

PDM Installation & Configuration

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Discussion and questions related to the course PDM Installation & Configuration

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I've got a PMU24 and I was wanting to use one of the attached actuators but I've since discovered they work via LIN bus and there's no way of controlling one of them without knowing how its programmed (the motor is some sort of 3 phase motor). One has a 2 coil stepper motor so I was wondering if the PMU24 would have the capability to run the motor directly?



P.S does HPA have any plans to do a course on LIN bus? I've seen quite a few people wanting to operate things that are configured as a Lin bus slave modules, but it seems if you don't have the car they came off trying to decode them is nigh on impossible. I know the Pierburg water pumps and now dropping the PWM pin and will on be LIN bus controlled going forward.


I've passed your LIN bus content request on to the HPA team, thank you.

The ECUMaster PDMs do have PWM capability, including with their optional H Bridge add on module.

If you look at the H bridge manual, I believe there's a stepper motor example.

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