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New PDM course?

PDM Installation & Configuration

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Are there any upcoming PDM courses in the making? I am sure when I purchased a course a couple of weeks ago, I seen something relating to PDM and chassis wiring. ( I could be mistaken)

I have had a look, but have been unable to find any info on a list of future courses or when such may be available.

I have the PDM instal/ config course along with the wiring fundamentals and the club level practical wiring to work through, which hopefully should aid me in installing a PDM mainly for the chassis side of my car.

Hey Ronnie,

Nothing is planned beyond the existing PDM course right now and adding more examples to that in time, but we're open to ideas once you've been through it as well as the forum being here if you need help with anything specific: https://www.hpacademy.com/courses/pdm-installation-and-configuration/

Also, for future content plans we don't really have something as organised as we perhaps should, but the VIP sales page covers what we have committed to in some way, shape or form already: www.hpacademy.com/vip-package/

That isn't all we would like to do or want to do, it's more just what is within reach right now rather than a wishlist, which is something that could be misleading rather than helpful.

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I found what I had seen previously in the following screenshot. For whatever reason, I thought it was a PDM/ chassis wiring in one course.

Ahh yes, I understand where you're coming from now. Thanks for that screenshot.

I will actually have to double check on the current plan there as Andre has added another example to the Pro level wiring course which has 2 PDMs and some of that planning and work will be covered in that: https://www.hpacademy.com/dashboard/courses/professional-motorsport-wiring-harness-construction/engine-harness-intro/

He is also planning on adding more around the chassis wiring from the same project, but it's a wee way off yet.

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