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PDM used as BCM & other functions

PDM Installation & Configuration

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Hi everyone,

im just chasing some insight to using a PDM in this a case a haltech pd16. The question I have is can I use it just as a BCM type of deal where it’s only running most of the body functions such as lights, fans, fuel pumps wipers etc, will it work with any ecu or what PDM will work in this way.

In this case we’re using a Injepro T10000

On our K24a3 turbo in our 1979 Mazda GLC (323) 3 door

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Hi Mark,

From what I know of the Haltech PD16 at the moment it doesn't currently operate as a standalone device. It is intended to be used as a slave device controlled by a Haltech ECU.

You could use another device with user configurable CAN to control the PD16 although this would become quite complicated depending on the control you want.

You should write a list of all high current and low current loads you have in the vehicle so you know exactly what your requirements are. This will be the biggest factor deciding which PDM is suitable for you.

Most PDMs on the market lack enough inputs to function as a fully fledged BCM without integrating some other CAN based bridge. ECUMasters PMU16 probably is getting close with a balanced I/O of 16 and 16, Haltechs PD16 only advertises 4 AVIs and 4 SPIs as far as I know.

so basically, I want it to run the following of which i may have missed but in short this is most of it

taillights, head lights lo/hi parkers, reverse lights, indicators, hazards, wiper motor, thermo fan, fuel pump, electric handbrake (possibly) is all i can really think of at the moment

there will be no central locking power window or mirrors or any of the fancy things that most late model cars have in them these days

so basically, I want it to run the following of which i may have missed but in short this is most of it

taillights, head lights lo/hi parkers, reverse lights, indicators, hazards, wiper motor, thermo fan, fuel pump, electric handbrake (possibly) is all i can really think of at the moment

there will be no central locking power window or mirrors or any of the fancy things that most late model cars have in them these days

Well again, it comes down to inputs. If you're hoping to use discrete low side triggers with new/revised switchgear than what came from factory you're looking at at least 8 inputs needed - I've no idea if the SPIs on the new PD16 be treated as DIs - and a few controls that can be triggerd by the ECU itself.

If you're looking to just power the rails on the factory switch gear you're looking at far less.

If you want to control these things with a CAN pad, less again.

After reading your reply about the ECUmaster i went & had a look at them they definitely have a good balance of I/O. 16inputs & 16 outputs with 10 being 25amps & 15amps along with a dedicated wiper & function for blinkers as well

my thought after seeing this would be using the ECUmaster along with their CAN keypad.

using the CAN keypad to trigger the outputs through the pdm which will also free up more inputs as i won't be using the factory switches or combination switch for lights and so on.

would I be right in saying this?

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