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Non adjustable sway bar links

Practical Corner Weighting

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If you don't have adjustable sway bar links, do you sugest to leave them attached for the corner balance, or still remove te links for the corner balance and afterwards reconnect them

The anti-roll (AKA sway) bar also applies a force to the suspension through the links - in a perfect word everything will fit perfectly and the links will line up perfectly, but it is common for there to be a slight mis-alignment of the bar and this mis-alignment will push-pull in parallel to the actual springs.

A such, I would leave them connected unless you can add shims ( I've used simple washers, but not all linkages allow that) to correct the ARB so it contacts the suspension equally, in which case I would probably disconnect it/them for the corner balancing and reconnect them correctly after (you can verify that as if there's a problem it will introduce wedge) - but that's just me, others may have different viewpoints.

I agree with Gord here Shedley. If you have no way of adjusting the ARB links then I would say you're better to leave them connected during the setup process. I'd also add that adjustable ARB links are probably one of the cheapest upgrade parts available, so I'd encourage you to get and fit some ASAP!


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