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6th speed lack of throttle response

Practical Diesel Tuning

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Hello I am looking for any information that might help me found what is holding my 2014 ram 6.7 Cummins power back. So most of the time the power is great and it has no trouble getting up and going. But when it getting into 6th gear something not all the time it will have almost not throttle response. It will only have enough power to maintain speed. But it seems to depend of which mode it is running in. Something it great. Seems to depend on the temperature outside. Any ideas of what to check for. Also how can I log the data and found what mode it is running in.

You're likely on the lambda limit or equivalence ratio limit as its referred to in some CME templates. Basically the truck doesn't have enough airflow to warrant adding the fuel you're desiring via the throttle. You may try logging MAF, EGR %, Vane position, boost, fuel rate for a clearer picture of what's happening.

Hope this helps,


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