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CP3 upgrades and dsp5

Practical Diesel Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Diesel Tuning

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Hello, i just finished the practical diesel tuning course my only 2 questions is how do you set efi live up for dsp5 tunes? and what changes do i make for an upgraded CP3 say a 10mm?


Tutorials exist on EFIlive's site that walk you through the DSP setup. They can be found here -> https://download.efilive.com/Tutorials/PDF/Duramax%20LBZ%20LMM%20DSP%20User%20Guide.pdf

With regard to the 10mm pump, usually the fuel rail pressure - valve current table might need some reshaping. If left stock you may experience rail pressure surge or hunt as the PID control tries to narrow in on desired rail pressure. This table is a feed forward table to position the fuel pressure regulator based on the total fuel flow. Because your pump is much larger the regulator doesn't need to work as hard to achieve similar results.

Lower mA = Open regulator and higher fuel flow

Higher mA= Closed regulator and less flow

Take a look at an LBZ regulator table for some clues on low flow shaping and log your average regulator position FRPACOM under load to get an idea of where to reset the bottom of the map.

Hope this helps,


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