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Cummins Idle haze

Practical Diesel Tuning

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I’m working on cleaning up a little idle haze after jumping to a larger set up (250% injectors & 14mm cp3). I’ve got it driving nice and making good power but I have a constant haze at idle and during light acceleration. I’m not sure what area to adjust to get rid of this haze. Rail pressure, duration, timing? Thanks!

A bit outside my experience, but I'd hazzard a guess it's due to poor atomisation of the fuel when there is a low demand, and this is resulting in incomplete combustion, hence the "haze".

Unless you really need that flow capacity - that's a HUGE jump - at full noise, I expect the only ways to reduce the haze would be to reduce the injector size to what you're going to max' out at and/or increase the fuel pressure.

Thank you for the response. Iv’e considered this exact theory you have. Right now it idles at about 6900 psi of rail pressure. I’m not sure how high I can take it without compromising anything. If I’m not mistaken a stock set up idles around 5-7k psi. This haze continues as well under light acceleration and doesn’t seem to go away until above 2500 rpm.

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