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Diesel Truck MAF transfer function?

Practical Diesel Tuning

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How important is it to adjust the MAF transfer function on a Duramax? I see a bunch of tunes setup for larger intake pipes with stock MAF transfer curve (values). Would assume going from a stock duramax air intake to a 5" high flow pipe it would make sense to do the rough area math percentage like I would for a petrol engine and adjust the MAF transfer. Why doesn't anyone do it?

Anyone know the size of a stock L5P air inlet where the MAF sits?

Without knowing the exact platform in great detail, I'd imagine that the tuners you are referring to, are finding other ways to achieve what they are trying to do. In overly simplified terms, the MAF is basically there to help calculate EGR flow, and limit smoke/soot output, by limiting fuel quantity for a given air mass. Many tuners will disable EGR all together via other means, and may just make a large global change to any "smoke map" so that it's not limiting fuel. I'm ignoring a lot here, but this is to keep the explanation simple.

This is just a stab in the dark to explain what I suspect is going on though, I can't say for sure. In theory though, your approach of scaling the MAF by the area of the pipe is a good place to start, and likely what I'd do myself.

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