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In Person Tuning Classes?

Practical Diesel Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Diesel Tuning

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is there any in person tuning classes/ lessons?

Hi Kyle, sorry we don't offer in person training. It's not our business model and we find we can help a lot more people with our online model. Have you considered our online courses? They do offer several advantages over in person training. Specifically one of the biggest advantages I see is that once you purchase a course you own it for life which means you can review it whenever you need. I've attended training courses in person in the past and have struggled when it's time to apply something I've learned perhaps several weeks or even months later. Remember we have a 60 day no questions asked refund policy too if you find the course isn't right for you.

I did purchase the online tuning course and I have learned alot already. I guess I just need to ask more questions on the Forum, its a little nerv racking writing your first file and unsure if what your doing is correct. Ive looked back and watched videos over and over and I pick up more and more info each time I watch one but would feel more comfortable having someone watch as i make changes to be there to explain if im doing something wrong and how to correct the issue, as well as helping me understand things better/faster.

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