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LB7 Stock Tune File

Practical Diesel Tuning

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I have an LB7 Duramax that has previously been flash tuned with a SuperChips Flashpaq. While the Stock and Stock w/Options tunes are in use, the truck has a lot of inconsistency in its throttle response and shift quality that isn't present when the Performance tune is in use. I'm concerned that the Stock and Stock w/Options tunes stored on the Flashpaq have somehow become corrupt. Could anyone provide me with a truly stock tune for the LB7 that I can start from? I've purchased an EFI Live FlashScan V3 with the GM Tuning option, and I'm very excited to begin tuning my truck!

Thank you!


Sure thing Jay, post your VIN and an Email address, I'll get one to you.


Hey, Nick!

My VIN is: 1GCHK24162E216744

My email address is: jayrussell94@live.com

Thank you so much!



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