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2jz emu black firing problem

Practical Standalone Tuning

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Hello. I would greatly appreciate any help. I have a 2jz that is running on only cylinders 1,2,3. I checked the coils and they're all generating sparks. All injectors are working. I tried swapping one of the spark plugs from cylinder 1 with cylinder 4 and the same issue was present so I know the sparkplugs are not the reason why I'm having this issue. What else could be the reason why cylinders 4,5,6 aren't running the engine? I hope you can help me

Maybe your ignition event setting in the tune file is not ok. If you want, you can post your tune file here and I'll take a look at it, maybe I'll spot something unusual.

You have a coil on plugs setup?

Did this ever work, or is it a new ECU / Harness that is showing the problem? If new ECU, are you sure the coils are wired in the correct order, and/or the software is configured for the correct cylinder offsets?

As David asked, is this something that just started happening on an established setup, or are you trying to set up a new setup?

Bit of a long shot, but is it possible the ECU is set for batch firing using the 1, 2 & 3 firing points and if you're using individually wired, and triggered, coils? The ECU may not be triggering them if it thinks there are only 3 firing points and instead firing the first three on overlap as well.

I assume you've confirmed the latter 3 injectors are firing?

Thank you all for the response. This is a new Setup with a new wiring harness. I checked the wiring, I tested the coils and injectors outputs. I checked the firing offset and its set to the 2jz vvti firing sequence (sequential injection). Timing is set. I even unplugged injector 6 and put a test light on the connector and the light lit while the engine was running at the correct time. Everything is set perfectly. I'll take a screenshot of my ignition settings first thing in the morning when I get to the shop. I'll even do a compression test tomorrow just in case

I think the OEM 2jZ may have been wired with wasted spark. Did you follow this wiring, or wire it for sequential ignition? If configured for sequential ignition, and wired for wasted spark, I would expect that only cylinders 1, 3 and 2 would actually produce spark for combustion (the other cylinders would fire on the exhaust stroke).

What happens if you try wasted spark configuration? so make Ignition Event2 = (same as event 5 - output 2?), Ignition Event 4 = (same as event 1 - output 1?), Ignition Event 6 = (same as event 3 - output 3?)

Good Luck!

Might have misunderstood David, I would normally pair #1 & 6, 2 & 5, and 3 & 4?

If you have the wiring lengths to allow it, try swapping the coils' connections over that way and you should find the rear cylinders will now fire, if it's a configuration issue you had missed. I'd crank it over a few times with the plugs out first, though, to reduce any potential for fuel hydraulics and/or an over-rich starting problem.

The firing order is 1-5-3-6-2-4, so event#2 would fire coil/cylinder 5, and event #5 would fire coil/cylinder #2. If only outputs 1, 2 and 3 are wired (ie, wired wasted spark), then for events 2, 4, 6, you need to use the appropriate outputs (that's what I was trying to say). And yes, that has 1&6, 2&5, 3&4.

If you haven't downloaded / installed the ECU Master software for the EMU Black, this probably didn't make sense.

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