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First time powering up ecu

Practical Standalone Tuning

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Hey guys I would like to make a suggestion/comment before your first time powering up, I would say it's advisable to unplug your ECU harness which connects to all engine components eg. Injectors, coils as well as cam and crank sensors basically everything besides the power and ground (+&-) to your ECU. Only then I would for the first time power up the ECU and then proceed with setting up what you guys see in this module. This is to avoid any costly damages to electrical components that your ECU is wired to, eg if the default ignition settings are wrong for your particular application it may result in damage to your ignition system(coils, igniter), I also would like if you guys could include similar instructions in this course to avoid first time users having a bad first time experience, that would be enough to discourage them from moving on further

That's actually pretty solid advice. The only real concern would be the ignition system but yes, if the ignition system configuration is wrong then it's possible to damage a coil.

After you are sure all your settings on the ECU are correct for your application then you can power off and then reconnect your engine components to your ECU harness and then you can proceed to the instructions from this module

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