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Fuel Adaptation

Practical Standalone Tuning

Relevant Module: Worked Examples > MaxxECU > Step 9: Full Power Tuning

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I'm finding the majority of the module(s) content way way over my head, with that said, I'm not looking for a refund. I have the MAXX Ecu Mini with which I'm having all sorts of problems obtaining a steady idle speed where I can accurately set base timing, although I think I'm pretty close. There is a "fuel adaptation" option with the MAXX Ecu, I have been advised that when this function is enabled the ECU will self learn over time and I simply need to "apply corrections". Is all this correct?

Hi Richard, yes your understanding of the fuel adapotion is correct. I would advise however that I don't suggest this feature as a replacement for properly tuning the VE table. It's great to help clean up minor fuelling errors over time but you really need to get the fuelling in the ballpark first.

The fact you can't achieve a steady idle is a potential red flag. this can happen if your cam timing is our or there's another mechanical issue. I'd suggest you start by making sure your ignition timing is flat in the idle area and your idle speed control is in open loop. This way the idle might be high or low but shouldn't hunt. you can then get your base timing dialled in and your idle fuelling.

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