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Inertial Dyno

Practical Standalone Tuning

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What about to use an inertial dyno for full throttle tune? And use the gearbox to help with the load and stay longer in one cell to do the fixed tune of ignition? Realizing that will take more time, work and is going to be impossible to archive all the cells on the map, put you can have a close idea where to work with and use the interpolation.

I use a lot the inertial dyno to work with the power loss of alignment, lubricants, intakes and other things, but also I ‘been able to tune injections, no so fast and perfect like using a steady stage, but still you can archive some of the work way better than a road tune.

For example, it works great for Alpha N tune using a mechanical pedal stop and working by ranges on full throttle.

I will like to know your thought about these.

And sorry for my English, we speak Spanish in my country.


in an inertia dyno you do not have the option to see the changes in torque in

real time when advancing or retarding the ignition and shows you how much you

can advance without losing torque in each area of ​​the maps and by pedal

position. in inertia it would only be to advance the ignition in stages, either

1 or 2 degrees for each pass you make. And when you no longer have torque

gains, do not advance the ignition any further.

lastimosamente en un dyno de inertia no tienes la opcion de ver los cambios en torque en tiempo real al avanzar o retardar la ignicion y te muestre cuanto es lo maximo que puedes avanzar sin perder torque en cada zona de los mapas y por posicion del pedal. en inercia solo seria adelantar la ignicion por etapas ya sea de 1 o 2 grados por cada pase que hagas. y cuando ya no tengas mas ganancias en torque no avanzar la ignicion mas.

Thanks Victor. That's true, work with ignition timing on low loads and partial loads on a inertial dyno can be tricky. I own an inertial dyno and I use programmable limits to archive that work and run consecutive tests, for wot is great, but for low loads and mids loads is hard.

My dyno gives you real time measure of torque. And because is a heavy inertia (big weight on it) in cars with regular power (100 to 250hp), of I use a high gear I can stay for a long time in a specific RPM and load. Sadly is not possible to do this on every point of the map. But I haven't try the left foot braking technique yet, that could be a kind of solution. Specially for ignition timing, because AFR is not a big problem to find on inertial dyno using the gearbox and the datalog, also I can log the can line on the software of the dyno, for example with all the line of FuelTech ECU from FT450 and up, is one of the most used ECU here in Chile. So and can see the torque curves with the load, ignition timing, afr, and all the information that is reading the FuelTech. That makes the work easier too.

Now I have to check if left foot braking technique on the dyno could let me tune the ignition on mid and low load condition using the real time information on torque that the software has. (Its give me the real time HP on wheels and the real time torque on the roller of the dyno).

Saludos y gracias por tu respuesta anterior!!

Glad i could help, Im planning to buy a dyno for my shop, what model you have?

I have a Dynotech Power 750i 4x2 mobile. (Is transportable, so we can go to the race track and events)

Is a brand from Argentina and also they have a second fabric on Spain. Is the biggest company on South America.

They have very nice equipment and they made all the product on their installation, from the roller to the software, so they can customize the dyno to the requirements of the client.


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