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Megalog Viewer HD Filter

Practical Standalone Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Standalone Tuning

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How does megalog viewer data filter work?

If I set [ect] >80 , I expect to see values where ect is above 80 however this doesn't work and only works if i type [ect] < 80

what are equal sign, is it = ?

I want to create filters where ect is between 70 to 80 degree but struggling to create the data filter.

When a filter condition is true, the data is filtered out. So something like filterECT = ([ect] < 70) or ([ect] > 80). They may use | instead of "or".

if you want to compare equality, try "==" (pronounced "is equal").

I see and agreed but unsure why when I select ect >80 which means ect is greater than 80 it doesn't work. it only works if I type ect < 80 which is odd meaning ect is smaller than 80 degree.

As David explained, you are selecting which data will be filtered out (hidden), not which data will be shown.

If you only want to see data when ECT > 80, then the filter needs set for ECT < 80.

The first time I used this I did the same thing, but you get used to it.

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