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not able to rev pass 3k

Practical Standalone Tuning

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Hi, my my probleme is that my engine won't let me rev pass 3000 rpm if I floor it. I have to let of the pedal alot if I whant it to rev more. My turbo seems to be surging in boost but I only have a small turbo and 8 psi that it did't reach when the problem occurred. I don't have sync lost and no protection that retard my timing. What can do that? Can it be my ajustable cam gear that are not set correctly or that my ? My engine is a nissan ca18det with a prp 12-1 crank sensor convertion and new timing/ajustable cam gear(I check everyting if its ok). It have a fresh(and first) microsquirt and wiring that I have made meticulously. the ignition is in waste spark because I have no cam sensor. the map is not on point but I wan't to solve my problem before I go to a tuner/dyno.thank you for your help

see my data log

[url=https://www.facebook.com/download/526016079727574/CurrentTune.msq?av=100000191402651&eav=AfYtIA_AJTRy2UJDxgaJ-zAHjRWO2O85-haDZL_5EPa-v7egRxqwCYlSV_GTJzV33zg&paipv=0&hash=AcoXKeHQEJVwDYNMblo&__cft__[0]=AZW0ztryAqnEjRETh4m6EPgYsKVSOhuw-3joFTcImp7mZpqr1ZhDCylim3F3T319E9rbyedX-G9p6XomTJLGy5ajBazT4lIMLjpNRb1z5vTyF_pRAcDjblSOheGzKgzYepl7DG479_oc6OPWlTXGxepiaZbvtuzIZLhY6-l5S7WCow&__tn__=H-R]data log facebook

Have you verified the timing requested by the ECU matches the timing observed with a timing light?

It could be lots of things, or several - what David is asking is the most basic step to take, because if that isn't right it will never be right.

From what you said, it does rev' under light throttle?

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