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setting the correct HZ??

Practical Standalone Tuning

Relevant Module: Worked Examples > Link G4X - Turbocharged Example > Step 1: ECU Configuration and Testing

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Can someone please explain the HZ setting for different situations.

I have seen all kinds of different HZ settings for things like Boost solenoids , Fuel pump triggers etc

How are these defined and how do i know im setting the right frequency??

Devices that are controlled by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) use a square wave at a fixed frequency (measured in Hertz (HZ) which is the number of cycles per second). The frequency stays the same, but the amount of time each cycles spends high and low varies (this is the pulse width).

So pneumatic solenoids like boost solenoids, often want to operate in the 25-40 Hz range. Hydraulic solenoids (like Variable Valve Timing (VVT) oil control solenoids), are often in the 100 - 300 Hz range. Finally some electromechanical systems like Drive-By-Wire (DBW) Solenoids and fuel pumps might use 4000 - 20000 Hz.

Usually the ideal frequency is determined by either a manufacturer recommendation, or experimentation (looking at responsiveness, stability, noise generated, etc). If you are installing a stand-alone ECU, it's sometimes a good idea to measure the frequency of the stock / OEM system to know what you should use.

Looking at base maps, other users configurations, or even asking on the forums are other sources determining a starting point.

thank you very much for your detailed response. That all makes perfect sense now.

Much appreciated.

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