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Measuring of Piston to wall clearance and Piston Ring End Gaps right way

Practical Engine Building

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after I saw pracitcal engine building course, I want to ask if it is better to measure piston to wall clearance and also Piston ring end gaps with torque plate bolt on? I now, that you say in course about distortion of cylinders, when heads are bolt on.

So my question is: Is it better to measure piston to wall clearance and also measure piston ring end gaps with torque plate bolted on?

Thank you for answer,


In my experience using the torque plate provides much better accuracy with measuring engine geometry. For instance on the cast iron block with ARP head bolts the difference can be about 0.01-0.02 mm down th bore. On aluminium block with ARP mains the difference can be up to 0.04-0.05mm on crankshaft bed gallery...

So my personal choice is using both torque plates- head and transmission when available...

Thank you for answer.

So when I will be measure piston ring end gaps and also piston to wall clearance, I will do it with torque plate bolted on.

I just opened up a box of brand new CP pistons.

Attached Files

Wow, thank you, so you're right :)

CP looks great, but I don't know someone selling it in Slovakia for my Subaru STI.

I am familiar with Mahle and Manley, but maybe some time :)

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