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Ring gaps not parallel

Practical Engine Building

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My first try at grinding ended up with a bit of a "V" gap... I know this isn't ideal, but is this something I should worry about?

Hey, short answer yes. Long answer, it'll work in most cases as long as the small end of the gap isn't too close. The best solution would be to regrind it ever so slightly and check if you can keep the gap within spec, but square them off. What grinding tool are you using?

I have ran engines with that issue years ago before I was able to afford the right tools and never had any issues, but I would recommend against it if you can afford to redo it.

The small end is within spec. Probably by a lot since it’s running E85 and has an oil cooler as well. KA24DET running up to 350hp.

They won’t butt so it should be fine I suppose. I would normally redo it but it’s my stepson’s car and he’s in a rush. Famous last words.

What spec are you using to set the gap?

It was something like high performance/turbo

As long as the minimum is at least the min' recommended, I wouldn't worry about it.

While it's good practice to set them correctly, I've seen two ring manufacturers stating there was no measurable increase in blowby, or loss of torque, until the gaps were ~50 thou', 1.25mm. They're the experts...

It may mean you need to re-ring/rebuild the engine a bit sooner as the wear has a 'head start', though.

Thank you Gord!

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