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Another Post about Crimp tools.

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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Hi Guys,

Im needing to crimp the Ground eyelets on my new harness, but they are a i guess 'closed barrel' type, none of the existing crimp tools i have are suitable, but not finding anything that looks suitable online either - i guess something like the DMC AFM would be great but of course not going to work when ive got a big eyelet on the back - also wire gauges in question are much larger .

Any pointers here please?

Many thanks ! :)

Picture of the terminals in question?

Hex crimper?

Sorry guys, please see attached, actually found a function on an old stripper I had, all sorted now, thank you! For reference I think this stripper is made by laser

Attached Files

Sargent do one. I don't have the part number but can be seen on this page, this is my local supplier and I'm sure you could track the same crimp tool down world wide.


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