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Automatic terminal reel cutter

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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Hello, I work at a race shop in the US. We have been buying connector terminals on reels for the cost savings, however the manual labor of cutting them off is obviously not cost effective. Does anyone know of an automatic feed style machine to cut terminals off. Looking to cut upwards of 1000 a day.


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I found the Ushiyama denki MC-97 but it doesn’t appear to have be available in the USA

Not off-hand, but you should be able to design your own with a little thought.

While not automated, it would be easy to with the typical 3-in-1 Roller/Brake/Shear found in most race shops. You could shear off 30 inch lengths of terminals in a few seconds.

I found a whole category of drill-powered rolling shears that are inexpensive and might be worth trying...


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