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Chassis harness, grounds

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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I am redoing the whole chassis harness for an old 71 Fiat. I understand the star grounding concept related to sensitive electronics like ECU and engine harness but is there a benifit to using star grounding when wiring the lights/fans/pumps around the car? Would save a whole lot of ground wires if I would just ground these to the body at the back and the front of the chassis.

My idea is to have three grounding points. Chassis in the trunk, chassis in the front (stock body ground point), and engine ground. Chassis at the front and back for lights/fans/pumps and engine for engine harness/ECU.


That would be normal practice.

Thanks Gord!


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