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Convoluted tubing "Y" junctions

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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I've been looking for these Y connectors for a while now, that are available in the US.

Polevolt in UK is the only source I've been able to find, and they do not offer shipping outside of the UK.

If they have them, *someone* has to be manufacturing them, other than them.

Any leads?

Attached Files

Can't help on leads to source these but wondering what they are used for?

Splitting a loom off. Think of poor-man's Raychem junctions

Waytekwire.com has all kinds. use "tee" in search. ship worldwide.

I'm familiar with what Waytek offers- they are clunky/chunky vs the ones I'm looking for, and not a Y to make a nice transition off of the leg.

Was hoping someone might have been able to help you before now. Best I can see seems to all come ex UK.


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