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How to Keep Factory Air Bags with Haltech 1500

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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Hi y'all Im working on rewiring my 99 miata as I will be putting in a built engine, Ill be using a Haltech 1500 for this. However I would like to retain the factory airbags as I will still street drive the car, I was wondering if it would be possible to retain my factory airbags and even have the possiblity to enable and disable all Airbags for when on the track. Would this be possible?

I've included the OEM SAS Controller Wiring Diagram

Attached Files

Have you considered simply removing the SAS module when at the track?

If I can do that without trigger the airbags than I'd be happy to do it. However based on its location might be easier to have a switch that cuts power to the SAS module

Removing the fuse is typical in a stock car, but a switch could certainly be used, at your own risk of course.

The Airbag system should be independent of and not impacted by the ECU.

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