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Is Alternator Voltage Control Needed?

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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Hello Everyone,

I am building my first engine harness for my personal stage rally car. The car is a 2005 Mitsubishi Evo 8 currently running a Motec M400 on a jumper harness to the OEM harness. For now, I am going to do the engine harness but eventually a complete rewire front to back. The plan is to run the following for the engine harness:

- Motec M400 (currently on car with a jumper harness)

- PDM30

- C125/7 Dash Logger

- 15 Button Keypad

On ECU tab in documentation, AUX4 pin is Alternator Voltage control. This is not set up on the car this way currently and has ran like this for several races with no issues. If you look on the actuators tab, you will see there is a 4 pin connection to the alternator for Field Regulation, Ground, Battery Sense, and Warning Lamp. The OEM setup is on the NOTES page for reference.

My question is, do I need to add this to the ECU for voltage control? I haven't had it because of limited Aux outputs, but with my plan to send some things via CAN and getting the C12X dash, it should free up the aux for other things. If I don't need to add the voltage control, then what do I need to wire from the alternator 4 pin to make sure there are no issues?

I added my documentation for both the new harness and the jumper harness wiring for a reference of how it is currently wired up.


Attached Files

If the Alternator is running correctly as it is, I would leave it.

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