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Pontiac Firebird 3.4 V6 auto - connectors identification

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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"" Hi there. In my next rewiring job I came across a problems with connectors identification.

I live in Slovakia so there is no problem of finding datasheets and service manuals about every other types of cars than old timer American cars. For example I find the whole service manual about my 370z (6000+ pages). But that is another story and I don’t want to take your time. Maybe another time cuz the Z is a project car:))

Let’s jump in rewiring problem with my clients car.

It is a 1994 Pontiac Firebird with 3.4 V6 automatic.

He wants to rewire injector connectors. I have no major problem with the rewiring work. My problem is with the identification of connector types on his car. I assume the connector types of the injectors are Bosch ev1 jetronic.

But there is problem of ordering the exact type of the connector in the Europe.

So there is my question: Can I exchange these jetronic types with another ev1 type. I know there is a short and long version of ev1 types ( and other versions through out the years). But this second type is the same length (I assume) but a little bit different crimp joint that comes with the contact with injector. Or there is some types of ev1 that I can exchange with the existing one on the car?

Maybe (jetronic) is just an older version of this type of connector and the new one works the same way.

That is my first question.

The second question is about identification about the main connector that connects all injectors to the main supply.

I can’t find the part number of the connector and crimp joints to the connector. If you know the connector name and part number I’ll be happy. If you know some European supplier I’ll be excited.

The last question is about this actuator connector.

Same story that is with the main injectors connector.

I don’t know the part name or number. It goes both ways for the connector and crimp joints.

Off topic. I’ll use a tefzel wire as I am using always. But I am still thinking which version of insulation I’ll choose: expandable braid or heatsring. I was thinking only about the expandable braid for the extra strain relief. But the idea of heat shrink came across my head and I can’t get it of thinking about the extra heat on the top of the engine. What will you choose and why. I want to hear your opinions to broaden my horizons.

In the attached photos you can see:

injector connector(ev1 jetronic)

crimp joints to the injector connector

main connector of the 6 fuel inj. connectors

actuator (yellow and black wire) (I’ll add a better photo tommorow, sorry for the quality)

Same type connector on web as old inj. connector

Possible replacement of another type of ev1

Last solution: adapter from ev1 to ev6

(If there is a problem with the images I’ll post it in the replying messages.)

Thank you for your time with helping my problem and thanks for the time that you put in researching solutions of my problems with this.

Have a nice day.

Best regards JM solutions.

Attached Files

Yes, an EV1 connector is an EV1 connector.

The other connector is a Metripack 150 series.

Sorry for the long time response. You helped me a lot. I dont want to sound stupid or fancy but I find a way that works 80% of the time when it comes to connector identification that i dont come a cross in my wiring journeys. I tried to use chat gpt photo recognition and as I wrote, 80% of the time it gives me the right answer of the connectors name. If it did not, it gives me the path of the family of the connector at least. Little bit googling and I am there. This is just a tip from me to those who has the same problem as me time to time. But do not rely on the AI. It is still just a software made by humans so it can make mistakes based on the datase it has. Hope you have a wonderful day and again thanks a lot for your help Six_Shooter.

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