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Wire size

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

Relevant Module: Practical Wiring Harness Design Skills > Power Supply Design

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Motorsport Wiring - Club Level

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I didn’t hear or get the full way of how you picked the wire size and fuse size for each system and relay. So could you maybe break it down some more, or like how you worked out each one.


Selecting wire gauge per load is part of this module in the wiring fundamentals course:


That module mentions gauge suggestions for typical items, and there's a reference chart below the video for wire size selection.

Any time you can know the specific current draw for an item in advance you can further optimize your wire gauge selection. Many items like fans, pumps do have manufacturer provided current draw specs so you're not going in blind.

Other than that, if a wire length is going to get very long i.e. 10+ feet, then upsizing the wire may be required depending on the situation.

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