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Need Help with Sweep - It's Rendering Incorrectly with a Guide Rail

3D Modeling & CAD for Motorsport

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Discussion and questions related to the course 3D Modelling & CAD for Motorsport.

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For designing the tube with a flare in one section (the 'Sweeps and Piping' lesson), I am trying to use the sweep tool with a guide rail. It rendered correctly once somehow but, now it only renders the flare correctly on the side with the guide rail. What do I need to do to fix this issue without having to create a guide rail on the other side of the path? (file attached showing one side distorted)


In playing around with it, even though the points are tangent where the flare is, if I make a slight change to the first curved line (from the profile) that's on the guide rail, the issue goes away. Why does that change fix the issue?

Attached Files

Hi Joe, See the screen recording I attached.

Probably not the answer you're looking for, but it turns out this depends on the shape of the guide rail, and since this was really just a basic demo of the idea with no dimensions on that part of the curve, it's easy to do something a little different and get a different result. Long story short, don't stress it, you're model was perfectly fine.

I think the reason is, the curve in your model just went past 90 degrees slightly, so I smoothed it out a tad and it fixed it. Hopefully that all makes sense.

Attached Files

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