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Another Concentric twisting question - Core design

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level

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I've got some harnesses to make for some E888s and I'm looking to practice concentric twisting. These are patch harnesses that will be used when I need to add thermocouples and other sensors to ~ 6m away from where the dash (c185) is.

I'm having difficulty getting my head around the core layer. I am using specific k-type thermocouple wire which is similar in size to the 22 twisted, screened cable I'll have for the CAN. OD ~3mm

In total I have 9 (8 tc's + 1 CAN) 3mm wires. All other wires will be 20gauge and range from 1.3-1.5mm in diameter.

So I can use 1 x 3mm cable (22 TWSH), and put 6 x 3mm (TC) around it - leaving me 2 short (9-7)

Or I can try to make the core 2 or 3 cables, but this will mean I've got an incomplete layer of 3mm cables....

Any advice?

Does it really need to be twisted?

Filler unfortunately. 9 is an awkward number, unlike 1,2,3,4 and 7 when doing cores.

Does it really need to be twisted?

No... it was more keep the harness flexible and not too big. It'll likely be used on multiple cranes, so want to to be as robust as possible.

Filler unfortunately. 9 is an awkward number, unlike 1,2,3,4 and 7 when doing cores.

Yeah... I had a bit of a practice run with some scrap wire and best I can come up with is to have two trunks; 1 for the thermocouples, and 1 for other cables. Got to plan it out a bit better to see if it'll work.

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