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Core Design

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level

Relevant Module: Practical Wiring Harness Design Skills > Concentric Twist Layer Design

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level

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I am running 36-40 16AWG Tefzel to my bed for accessories, probably 36 because the closest 8STA connector i could find has 37 #16 contacts, i can figure out the other 4 i need. What would your recommended core design be in order to minimize filler wires? Should the core just be filler wires? I also have a Coax headed in that direction for a CB antenna, however due to RF interference concerns i am somewhat waved against doing that as my core even though it’d be a good single cable core. If you have a suggestion for a Coaxial cable capable of handling the interference, or of a core design that would be best, please let me know.

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