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grounds for actuators

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level

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am i missing something in the course where it shows the grounds for the actuators in the concentric layup design?

What grounds for actuators are you referring to?

Most triggers for actuators are in fact grounds, like all your injector trigger wires etc..

Bringing this back from the dead, I too have same question. Particularly regarding the ignition coil grounds, those do not seem to be incorporated in the concentric layout documentation provided or in the sub harness sections from the course documentation for the Rx7 put together by Zac.

The grounds for the actuators are labelled command, as the ECU controls the low side. The coil grounds and secondary winding grounds would be at the engine block. Since in the worked example, he was addressing the ignition coils in a sub harness, the interface connector for the sub harness only required the 12V supplies, ignition low side command and the ignition coil reference ground. The sub harness would have short coil grounds and secondary winding grounds, from each coil connector directly to the block, hence not being shown in the worked example documentation.

Ah that makes perfect sense as to why the coil ground and secondary winding grounds are not in the documentation. Thank you Callum.

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