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Hell and Support with Cosworth Electronics

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level

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Hi guys, I'm new to the forum and HPA - I decided to take up their excellent courses during the quarantine lockdown to try and learn a new skill of actually manufacturing looms as I previously would commission other companies to build them.

Lots of great content and talented individuals on the forum so it's great to be a part of a community of like minded individuals.

Previous to starting up by myself I worked for Cosworth Electronics as an applications engineer, so I know my way around their chassis electronics and modern Pectel ECU's fairly well. Not too many people offering support for their products out there and I think it's fair to say that their own support team don't have a great reputation for fast response times to anyone outside of large motorsport manufacturers.

Nowadays a lot of my work is in track support within the professional GT and Tin Top motorsport industry as frankly there's a lot of well paid work out there that's less stressful than custom development projects but those custom projects still excite me whenever I get the chance.

Whilst I'm benefiting from everyone else's experience on here it would be great to give back and I'm guessing that the best way that I can do that is through helping out with any Cosworth questions that people may have.

Anything that I can answer relatively quickly through here I will do and anything that involves a significant amount of time I can re-direct through my business. Like wise I can supply their products too through the business if anything takes your fancy.



Hey Ben, great to have you along! We caught up with an ex-Cosworth employee when we visited Goodwood (who had done an electronics update on a Williams F1 car) who mentioned that Cosworth use our wiring courses to get their new recruits up to a base level of knowledge before using their own in-house training. Thanks for your offer of support, and you're right, Cosworth/Pectel aren't exactly world famous for their swift customer support for individuals! I don't think we have too many members on Cosworth electronics but keep an eye on the forums and if you can offer advice it will be appreciated!

Could have done with you about seven years ago Ben. Support was the main reason I dumped Cosworth/Pectel/PI and went Motec!

Pity, used to love my T6, Compact Logger and Omega dash.

I'm in the market for buying a SQ6M but before I do I am looking into playing with the Pi CalTool Software but having issues even starting up a file to start messing with the software to understand how it works. Any advice on how to go about getting a map started?

Also does the SQ6M support dual FBW throttle or only one?

The SQ6 can do 2 x FBW. With the standard SQ6 (no M), FBW is an extra cost "licence". Im pretty sure the SQ6M though has most of the extras such as FBW already enabled in the base package - except gearbox control.

I will attach a dataset (map) you can play with, this is not from a running/tuned engine, and only a SQ6 (not M) but it is from an ECU with most options enabled, recent firmware, and the only one I have done with dual FBW set-up.

The metafile/dataset/etc terminology does my head in everytime i use it, but I think the dataset is all you should need to work offline.

Attached Files

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