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IGN1A Loom - What connector and splice?

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level

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Hello all,

Iv drew up a quick design for IGN1A coils for a 4 cylinder.

Using calculations iv decided on 20 AWG wire with 7.5ms dwell time, I have used a 9 Pin connector (Can you advise which connector should be used?) and also a point in which 8 x 20 AWG cables are spliced into one thicker wire (Not sure how to calculate this wire) to connect to the cylinder head.

My questions is what crimp could I use for so many wires? and what Autosport connector would you choose?

Attached Files

D should really go to battery ground, not the cylinder head.

Yeah Iv been told by someone that’s fairly knowledgable that that’s what he does and it’s for myself also.

just needed advice with the crimping and Connie tor side of things

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