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Shield theory question

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level

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A harness I did over two years ago I did something slightly different than "normal" because the ECU side of my bulkhead connector was not a sealed harness, and the connectors at the ECU are Superseal (so not super easy to boot, or at least used to not be).

So I drained all the shields at the AS bulkhead fitting (at least those that went through it). This saved a bunch of extra solder sleeves and clutter at the "open" Superseal connector. So it was a sort of 'middle out' approach. Both sides of the AS connector had boots so easy to tidy up the solder sleeves etc.

It works great to this day, but curious if this is poor practice.

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