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Throttle pedal choice

Practical Motorsport Wiring - Professional Level

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Building a custom harness for an m150 and a c1812 -, with custom controls and we're upgrading car to a fly by wire, so I'm bound right now as to finding a solution for the throttle pedal, I am ordering a 60 mm Bosch throttle body, and now I need a throttle pedal solution, I like the tilton throttle pedal as it's completely adjustable and nice and Motorsports looking, however I cannot find a sensor that is a good solution for that, does anybody offer an off-the-shelf solution for example something from a BMW M3 or M5 or something of that nature, that will bolt to the firewall or from an overhang, that would be a Motorsports quality, thanks guys, looking forward to some solutions

Hi Joshua,

The Tilton pedals that I have used have all had the option of getting the DBW linkage kit that typically uses a Penny & Giles dual channel rotary throttle potentiometer, I have used these on a number of M1 installs and not had issues with them.

Tilton pedal boxes are a nice solution with a balance of quality and cost. The challenge was always the throttle pedal sensor as nobody (that I could find) stocked the recommended Penny & Giles sensor in North America.

After good results with Variohm XPD sensors, I now stock (in Canada) a custom programmed version to suit Tilton DBW linkages and give the best %/volt resolution available. I'm also using a different cable exit angle to better clear the master cylinder mount on 600 series pedal boxes.

I had some customers who chose to retain the factory pedal on the firewall with a linkage rod between. On at least one car, flex in the pedal box mounting caused the throttle sensor output to increase under heavy braking. This caused the engine to run-on, not what you want.

Shameless plug, https://trialengineering.com/products/euro-xpd-983-0225

The black sensor in the second image is the Penny & Giles one. You can see the cable exit angle isn't ideal.

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