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Damper single adjustment click range

Suspension Tuning & Optimization

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Thanks for the courses absolutely loving them.

A couple of questions if I may.

1. You mentioned that the further you get from 0 or full hard on a single adjustable damper the less amount of difference each click will make. A lot of aftermarket dampers advertise 0 - 30 clicks so am I right in saying that once you lift that needle so far off it's seat in the 15 - 30 click range the amount of fluid transferred through becomes so much that it would become useless at that end of the adjustment range? Meaning the 0 - 15 range is where you would want to be? I've asked to see some dyno graphs with the whole range with no luck.

2. What would be the effect of tuning the dampers left to right instead of front to rear for example on a circuit that has 6 right hand corners and 1 left? To maximise the right handers and sacrifice the left.

Thanks in advance 👌

1/ depends - less is =/= to no difference! If you find #25 works best, use it - depending on the make and model of damper, you may be able to have it rebuilt, later, with firmer damping characteristics to re-centre the point you're working from.

2/ it should give a small improvement, overall, at the penalty of slightly uneven chacteristics under straight line conditions, such as braking. It may also be of benefit to tweak the camber and spring - if applicable - settings. It may take a bit of time and hassle, but one wins by optimising the small things as much as by optimising the big things - they all add up, or more accurately multiple, as the gains wil usually benefit other aspects of the vehicle, too.

If you can afford it, premium 2/3/4 way adjustable dampers can be a long term saving, as they can be rebuilt and re-valved as required, instead of buying whole new dampers when the 'cheap' ones need replacing or different valving - plus the greatly increased adjustments can help a lot.

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