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Pitch Axis changes? How?

Suspension Tuning & Optimization

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Discussion and questions related to the course Suspension Tuning & Optimization

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I know I'm only part way through the Suspension Setup training, but when we got to the pitch axis and pitch instant center part, I am failing to see how the pitch axis/pitch instant center can change when it's based on the fixed points of the suspension links.

Hi Jesse, while you're right that the suspension points are fixed, there's two aspects to this module:

1. The relationship between the instant centre and the tyre contact patch are not fixed as the chassis platform pitches and heaves. For simplicity imagine heavy braking where the car dives significantly in the front and the rear lifts. The relative heights of the instant centres to the ground will not be the same as when the chassis was static. If we now find the pitch centre we will see it is not the same as it was when the chassis was static.

2. It's also possible to manipulate the pitch centre when designing suspension from scratch (or modifying existing suspension) by playing around with the mounting points.

I hope this helps.

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