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Understanding AFR

Relevant Module: How to Choose the Correct AFR > Step 2 - Target AFR Map

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Discussion and questions related to the course Understanding AFR

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This thread's post comes up as your only one made - did you edit your post? If this is your only communication, not sure what you expected anyone to respond to?

Can you provide the information* that would help them help you? The problem is almost 100% certain to be at your end - I checked and it's playing perfectly for me - so you cannot expect a magic cure.

*The video(s), the device you're watching on - PC, MAC, or smart 'phone? If the last, what make and model? What OS (Operating System) and program/ap' are you using and version? Are you properly logged in?

Anything else you can think of.

EDIT: Just marking this as resolved (Dec 24). Haven't heard back but I assume you're sorted via email.

Hey Jr-Wei,

Sorry to hear you're having issues with video playback.

There are a few things to check:

1.) Is it just this one single module that is not working, or is nothing playing for you on our site?

2.) Are you in a location that blocks Vimeo (I can see you are located in Taiwan, but asking just in case you are currently travelling)? - https://www.hpacademy.com/blog/help-vimeo-is-blocked-in-my-country/

3.) Are you on a public, work or private (home) network?

4.) If you are using a mobile device, are your download speeds currently throttled (say you get 40gb of data full speed but then over that you are supplied with less bandwidth).

5.) Follow the instructions here: https://www.hpacademy.com/blog/course-video-playback-optimisation-vimeo/

6.) Does anything on https://www.vimeo.com play for you?

We'll do our best to get you up and running once you have gone through these questions.

If possible, please reply via email to support@hpacademy.com so we can keep all your info private, but of course, if you prefer, you can just reply here instead too.

We usually reply within 12hrs (often sooner)

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