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Hi, I dont know why open the video is very slow, and the cant see the video,the screen is black, just have the sound.

Hey there, sorry to hear you're having issues playing the videos. I see you're located in China which is likely the cause of the issue as China blocks our video hosting site Vimeo unfortunately. You can get around it with a VPN though, check out the below article and let me know how you get on. :)


Hi, I have VPN now. but cant see the video also.

Ah that's odd, generally that fixes things right away for our members based in China. Check that you aren't connected to a network that blocks certain content too, such as a workplace or school for example. From there, the next two things likely to help are clearing your cache, and/or using a different browser, Chrome is what we normally recommend but if you're already using that, give Firefox a try.

There are also a few other suggestions in this article but try the above first.


Let me know if any of that works.

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