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File Resizing

WinOLS Mastery: Map Identification & Editing

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Discussion and questions related to the course WinOLS Mastery: Map Identification & Editing

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Hey all, I'm just after some information or tips regarding file resizing.

For example, between devices such as pcmflash, bitbox or Kess there is a variation in the sizing of the " read ".

if i have a " master " file for a vehicle that was originally read or developed off the kess file size, but was wanting to use that file to write with pcmflash for example, how do we resize to suit?

Or is this the case of re reading the vehicle with a pcmflash and transferring the map data to suit?

just after a little direction before diving into the unknown!



I've only run into this on Toyota personally. From memory PCM will write the bigger size file, it's only kess that gets all pissy about it. PCM is better anyway and the first thing I grab so it's never really an issue.

Perfect, thanks alot mate.

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