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Standalone MED 9.6.1

WinOLS Mastery: Map Identification & Editing

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Discussion and questions related to the course WinOLS Mastery: Map Identification & Editing

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I have a BOSCH MED 9.6.1 0261S02407 (new: 0261S02740) as part of an engine swap into an older vehicle (1970's). Since the engine is stock I would like to run this ECU as part of the swap, however, I understand there are some other vehicle integration signals that the ECU will be looking for to function.

It is possible to see, and modify the ECU's dependency on input signals (CAN?) from other modules in the factory vehicle that are not present in the swap. There seems to be people that offer immo off and I'm not sure of anything beyond that.

Without a stock car to reverse engineer the CANbus signals. Is it possible to read, or modify and write, the CAN message structures or is this hardcoded and beyond the scope of flash tuning?

There is an AiM display in the vehicle so I'm thinking this could potentially be used to emulate CAN messages and transmit to the ECU. Depending on the exact details of what's required.

Attached Files

I have never altered such parameters. I would suggest using something like VCDS to modify the long coding.

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