
Which software is the easiest to learn on? Maybe have like a big user's manual, maybe even have a dummy hotline. This is a really tricky question for me to answer because there are so many really good aftermarket ECUs available these days. 

00:00 - Mack has asked, which software is the easiest to learn on? Maybe have like a big user's manual, maybe even have a dummy hotline.
00:07 This is a really tricky question for me to answer because there are so many really good aftermarket ECUs available these days.
00:14 And a lot of it's gonna come down to really focusing on your budget and the features that you want, as well as where abouts in the world you are from.
00:23 Why I say this is because when you are setting up an ECU and you're not very familiar with it, chances are you're going to have questions that you need answered, so it's really handy if you can jump on the phone and talk to someone that's inside your timezone and get answers straight away rather than having to send emails or ring someone in the middle of the night in order to get help.
00:43 So that's probably my biggest consideration there.
00:46 The ECUs that we deal with at HPA include the Motec M1, the Link G4 Plus, and the Haltech Elite, we've got the Syvecs as well in our worked examples.
00:57 And realistically all of them do an excellent job and they cover the variety of features and price points that most people are going to use or need.
01:07 Once thing there, you've just mentioned the manual, probably in all of the ECUs that I personally use, the online help functionality within the Link G4 Plus is probably hands down the best that I've seen.
01:20 Basically on any of the inputs or features or parameters in the G4 Plus ECU if you simply press F1 you're going to get topic specific help on that function, so again for a novice it's really really helpful.
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