
how does water methanol affect EFI tuning? OK water methanol is a really old technology to help improve the performance of our engines. What we're going to find is that with a lot of high performance engines, particularly those that are turbocharged or supercharged, while we're optimising our ignition timing, we'll get to point where our torque is still increasing but our engine starts suffering from a type of abnormal combustion known as knock or detonation

00:00 - OK our next question comes from Timothy Blades who has asked, how does water methanol affect EFI tuning? OK water methanol is a really old technology to help improve the performance of our engines.
00:12 What we're going to find is that with a lot of high performance engines, particularly those that are turbocharged or supercharged, while we're optimising our ignition timing, we'll get to point where our torque is still increasing but our engine starts suffering from a type of abnormal combustion known as knock or detonation.
00:28 Now this is a very dangerous type of combustion and it can very very quickly destroy our engine.
00:34 And that knock or detonation as it's also known, is generally produced or caused because of very high head inside our combustion chamber.
00:44 Essentially it just exceeds the auto ignition point of the fuel that we're running on.
00:49 So water methanol injection works by cooling the combustion charge temperature.
00:54 Water in particular has a very high latent heat of evaporation and this means that when we inject the water into the intake stream, as it moves through the engine into the combustion chamber, it absorbs a lot of heat from our combustion charge as it goes through a phase change from liquid to vapour.
01:11 So this cools our intake charge, cools our combustion charge and helps reduce the likelihood of detonation.
01:18 So the result of this is that we can then advance our timing further towards MBT or increase our boost pressure in turbocharged or forced induction engines, or potentially even both of those together.
01:30 That question was taken from one of our free live lessons.
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