Where Can I Source OEM Wiring Connectors?
00:00 | - Jamie has asked, who made the OEM connectors for OBD1 Hondas? To be perfectly honest I have absolutely no idea. |
00:09 | And this is a common problem that we'll get into, is where we are dealing with a factory harness or a factory engine installation and we need to source some of the mating factory connectors. |
00:24 | Fortunately for you Jamie in the Honda world, people have been modifying Hondas for as long as Hondas have been in existence, probably one of the most passionate modifications scenes in our industry and there are a range of suppliers out there who have tracked down and done all of that hard work tracking down those existing connectors and mating connectors. |
00:45 | I know for a fact because we worked with them a number of years ago, Ryan from Rywire does supply all of those connectors. |
00:52 | Likewise, I think he also does Nissan, but there is a range of other suppliers out there who do exactly this. |
01:00 | Ballinger Motorsports another one that jumps to mind, great source if you're looking for factory GM connectors. |
01:06 | Where it gets a little bit trickier is with some of the oddball cars, particularly some of the European cars and actually I found it surprisingly difficult to get some of the connectors for Ford vehicles which I've never been able to figure out. |
01:21 | GM, incredibly easy to get just about anything. |
01:23 | Ford, sometimes just about an impossibility. |
01:26 | But that can be challenging finding where to get those connectors. |
01:30 | And that's really one of the essential first steps before you can start constructing your harness. |
01:35 | That question was taken from one of our free live lessons. |
01:38 | If you like free stuff, and you're the type of guy that likes to expand his knowledge, click the link in the description to claim your free spot to our next live lesson. |
01:46 | You'll learn about tidily bundling a section of wiring harness, correctly splicing a single wire out to multiple wires that might need to head to the various sensors in your engine bay, and the materials and tools suitable for use in a motorsport environment. |
02:00 | You'll also have the chance to ask your own questions which I’ll be answering live. |
02:05 | Remember it's 100% free so follow the link to claim your spot. |