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Student Reviews

Our students love our courses, rating them an average 4.8 stars. Read the most recent reviews from all our courses below, which we've published without filtering or editing in any way.

  • Marius's profile image
    Marius, Saarbrücken

    I was unsure if this course is worth it's money because i already collected quite some knowledge. Actually it took my knowledge to the next level and i feel very encouraged to gain experience in work on cars i never did before. Support via E-Mail is phenomenal too.
  • William's profile image
    William, Spring Hill

    lots of great information, every time i go back to refresh the course i always pick up something new that i need to hear before. i highly recommend anyone interested to take a shot at it. If anything you are gaining knowledge.
  • Derek's profile image
    Derek, Tennessee

    These courses are filled with an incredible amount of knowledge. I have been a mechanic for 20 years and have learned quite a bit in engine building and tuning that I either overlooked or just didn’t know. Be sure to have a pen and paper ready to take a few notes.
  • Chad's profile image
    Chad, Wenatchee

    I absolutely love learning about the techniques of tuning. There are so many untrained/uncertfied tuners out there because of unavailable resources/ training. Now there is!!! Now should be no more excuses for bad tunings
  • Zach's profile image
    Zach, Whitecourt

    VERY INFORMATIVE, ive been learning so much every day! Couldnt be more satisfied with everything!
  • Justin's profile image

    So far I have learned more from your courses than 2 blocks of motive power in person.
  • ILIAS's profile image
    ILIAS, Athens

    Very informative courses,wide range of knowladge is covered,small tricks of calculation of different values is very helpfull and even the way Andrew is speaking and explaning things is very easy to understand even if someone doesn't have exellent comand of english
  • Kenian's profile image
    Kenian, Auckland

    love the course - very informative and easy to understand for your average joe with no major professional experience
  • Alexander's profile image
    Alexander, Borgloon

    I'm learning a lot during the courses. There is a perfect balance to the information you need en why you need it.
  • Keith's profile image
    Keith, Brentwood

    an absolute must from a total beginner to a pro , every day is a school day

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