Student Reviews
Our students love our courses, rating them an average 4.8 stars. Read the most recent reviews from all our courses below, which we've published without filtering or editing in any way.
Tinko, Dobritch
i used it as a step by step guide when building my wiring harness for my track car. wihthout the course i wouldnt have switched over to an aftermarket ecu -
Garth, Trinidad
When I start to show interest in engines i didnt had a clue but this course has helped me to have a clearer understanding of how the engines suppose to work. Great course -
Terry, Sunshine Coast
Great introduction to diesel tuning. Teaches you the basics and leaves you with the right information to speak the same language as your tuner or dip your feet in yourself. As always delivered in nice bite sized sections and easy to understand. Defiantly worth the buy. -
Joseph, Maryland
Very informative very understanding and very step-by-step -
Jason, Bend
Wish it was around sooner! I've easily wasted enough money on purchasing the wrong crimpers and other tools that I could have used to cover this course. -
Mark, Atlanta
It’s worth the money, trust me. I searched the internet for solid info. Lots of misleading information. I have repaired multiple makes of diesels as a result of bad tuning. -
William, Rexburg ID
Best decision i ever made with this training i can now follow my dreams as a engine tuner 10 outta 10 at least -
Stanley, Palm Beach Gardens
Best course on the market -
Silvio, George Town
Course is very detailed and introduces critical points at each stage. -
Iordanis, Veria
I have reflashed enough Honda's and a couple of Subaru's based on these courses and everything seems to work and perform excellent !!!